Tactical Pistol Course

This course combines the fundamental and basic skills necessary for combat marksmanship with the tactical knowledge required by law enforcement officers to survive with the pistol in a hostile environment. Emphasis is placed on the student refining their basic shooting skills and developing tactical applications for those skills.

Course Content:

Weapon Safety and Handling
Pistol maintenance
Pistol Presentation and Firing Techniques
Pistol Marksmanship Fundamentals
Position and Barricade Techniques
Handgun Ballistics
Reloading and Malfunctions
Multiple Targets
Moving Targets
Shooting On The Move
Paired Firing Movement Techniques
Night Firing Techniques
Tactical Entry Techniques

Tuition: $400.00 Per Person

Equipment Required: Handgun with duty holster and equipment, Flashlight, Cleaning Equipment, Eye and Hearing Protection, Soft Body Armor, 1000 rounds of handgun ammunition.

Instructor: RON FRIGULTI, Ron is a former combat Marine. 25 years as an FBI Special Agent (Ret.). 17 years as Principal Firearms Instructor. 15 years FBI SWAT Sniper Team Leader. FBI, POST, NRA and Oregon DPSST Certified Firearms Instructor.

Registration Information: Reservations will be accepted by clicking the registration button at the bottom of the page which will email customer support or by calling (760)265-2999 between the hours of 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM. A $100.00 non-refundable deposit will be required to reserve a slot in this course. Slots fill quickly, so call early to reserve your position.

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